Wednesday, October 12, 2011

#4: Move freely

I attended an Authentic Movement group tonight. Its a space where people come together to move freely, with closed eyes, and after wards speak briefly on their inner experience. Having the space and permission to move however I wanted, and make whatever noises I wanted, was incredible. I spent much of the time in stillness, cultivating a sense of intimacy with myself, and then I found my body wanting to burst up in joy. I danced and spun around the room, swayed, leaped, and came back to stillness. I felt love pouring down into me from above. When we let our bodies be our guides, our emotions flow in profound ways. I participated in Authentic Movement one other time and had a similar experience: I moved through despair, sadness, deep inner peace, excitement, and tenderness. All the other members of the group spoke of deep inner movement as well. The places we can go when we don't hold ourselves to a rigid stance are awesome! Alone in my room I've found allowing my body to guide me is often the best way to release an emotion or move through a sad place. So if you have the space, let your body go! It has some deep secrets its waiting to show you..

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Rachel, I just read posts one through four! I'm so inspired. I love the honesty, the BE-ing with what is. Being drawn into the church by singing and the spirit. Sitting with yourself even when you felt scared of that silence, then choosing an action out of that silence. Talking to the homeless person and seeing him as a real person, realizing he has something to offer you in spite of the fact that he might try to get your phone number. Dancing freely!
    My spirit is more open just from reading these posts. Last night at school, as I was walking into class, I saw a poster about a "mindful eating" study. I've been aware lately that I've been eating completely mindlessly, eating when I'm not hungry and eating too fast, not even enjoying the taste of the food and the pleasure of eating. When I walked back by the board, I tore off one of the little phone numbers. I'm going to call this morning. Life is an adventure; we never know what will be offered if we are open to it.
    Thank you so much for sharing your writing. I've got the church people and the homeless man and my silence and my dance beginning the day with me, now. I love you.
